Picture by Barbara Leoni

G Caruso is a traditional italian artist focused on studying and transmitting the knowledge and methods of old classical masters.

After years of intense foundation work in the studio of Antonio Marroni, italian artist preserving the tradition of the “Bottega d’Arte” with all its techniques, G graduated at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera di Milano, with a curriculum focused on figure, pedagogy and symbolism in art.

G Caruso has been a teacher at the Laboratorio Artistico of Milan for ten years before moving to Berlin and starting the collaboration with the Berlin Drawing Room.

G’s personal art and teaching are deeply intertwined through the concepts of constant practice, study of classics and a disciplined approach to projects, always with the goal of discovering new things to then bring to the students.

The love for functional anatomy and the human body bleeds into the sport practice of weight lifting and brazilian jiujitsu, that gives G Caruso the “coach” approach to tutoring and supporting other artists in their projects.

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  • Sketchbook Practice – Monday 18-20 (Berlin time)

  • Travel Sketching Berlin
